Giving HP delegates the skills and confidence needed to effectively and efficiently communicate with their target customers

Quick facts
HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. It provides products, technologies, software, solutions and services to consumers, small- and medium-sized businesses and large enterprises, including customers in the government, health and education sectors
HP went out to tender to find a preferred supplier for bid writing and training services.
The bid team heads, together with the procurement department, were looking for a supplier who could provide excellent bid writing and executive summary consultancy services, as well as proven experience in delivering an established bid writing training course.
The training solution: An ongoing programme of Structured Bid Writing courses
HP Services chose Writing Machine Academy as its preferred supplier for bid writing and training services following an RFP process which included demonstrating part of our Structured Bid Writing course. The training teaches all HP employees who write for bids, including bid managers and systems architects, the skills and confidence needed to effectively and efficiently communicate with their target customer.
Writing Machine Academy has to date delivered over 20 Structured Bid Writing (Fundamentals) to HP’s bid teams throughout Europe – in UK, Spain, Germany, Netherlands and Italy.
Client feedback
Delegates were asked to give a score out of five on a list of feedback questions such as ‘Quality of the training content’, ‘Quality of the trainer’ and ‘I have learned new techniques that will enhance my writing’. The average score across all courses was 4.4 out of 5.
“I would like to say that yesterday was the best one-day course I have attended in a long time (possibly ever).”
HP delegate