
Providing M&G with a robust step-by-step method for proofreading alongside helpful hints and tips

Quick facts

Established in 1931, M&G Investments is one of the UK’s largest active investors with over £215 billion of funds under management. Six of the UK’s top 10 funds are managed by M&G. Assets invested in and managed by M&G include Equities, Fixed Income and Property.


  • Grammar and Proofreading Quick Wins

M&G’s UK retail marketing team produces content for two key audiences – independent advisors and direct consumers. Every piece of writing for either audience must be proofread by another member of staff before it can be signed off by a stakeholder.

Kathryn Pinner, Head of Regional Marketing (UK), felt that with proper training, her team could spot more errors and thus improve the overall quality of the department’s output.

The training solution: A half-day of proofreading training, providing a robust step-by-step method alongside helpful hints and tips

Writing Machine Academy delivered a Grammar and Proofreading Quick Wins course to 20 delegates at M&G’s offices in London. The course examines the value of proofreading and provides a structured method for ensuring accuracy in any document.

Despite delegates having a wide range of experience, backgrounds and roles at M&G, the course content was pitched at an appropriate level and was relevant to everyone. All delegates took away valuable and actionable tips and techniques.

Client feedback

Delegates were asked to give a score out of five on a list of feedback questions such as ‘Quality of the training content’, ‘Quality of the trainer’ and ‘I have learned new techniques that will enhance my writing’. The average score was 4.4 out of 5.

“Very informative – it made learning fun.”
M&G delegate

“Very informative – it made learning fun.”
M&G delegate
“I’ll adopt a more focused and logical method of proofreading from now on.”
M&G delegate
“My proofing will improve, but I’ll also take more active measures to improve my spelling and grammar.”
M&G delegate