Writing Machine’s unique Writing for Bids enables individuals and teams to write clearer, more compelling, more professional and far more competitive bid and pitch documents.
When competing for large contracts, it’s sometimes not enough to have a technically excellent, credible and cost-competitive solution. Very often, organisations lose tenders simply because they are unable to articulate a clear, compelling and competitive proposition when writing commercially significant bid and pitch documents.
Writing, then, is a critical part of any sales proposal, RFP or pitch. Well crafted writing can, quite simply, improve an organisation’s win rate. With the right specialised training, companies can make significant improvements to the bottom line simply by improving the quality of their writing and the efficiency of their writing processes. Created by the writers at Writing Machine Agency, the course teaches the Structured Writing Method, based on tried-and-tested specialist techniques used to provide bid writing services to companies such as BAE Systems, HP, Fujitsu, Logica, Mott MacDonald, SITA, Thales, and QinetiQ.
What will you learn?
You will be taught a variety of techniques and processes to follow in order to write bid documents that are clearer, more concise, compelling and competitive. By teaching an effective and unique writing process, the course will help you and your team become much more productive.
On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Implement an effective writing process
making bid creation more efficient, and leading to better quality tender documents - Identify key messages from existing source material
to speed up the transition from subject matter to sales bid - Formulate sophisticated, highly competitive messages
whether for executive summaries or for answering complex bid questions - Effectively plan and structure lengthy bid and pitch documents
using structured writing techniques and Microsoft Word’s Outline View functionality to ease the stress of managing document creation - Rapidly structure executive summaries
using the messaging created earlier and Microsoft Word’s Outline View - Successfully answer complex bid questions
to optimise scoring - Use storyboards to improve writing efficiency
by enabling editorial ideas to be captured, negotiated and agreed before writing starts - Use writing embellishments effectively
to make the writing clearer, more concise and compelling - Improve the quality of writing across the tender document
to make bids and pitches more professional in appearance and easier to skim-read - Proofread your writing
to ensure your bid documents are free from typos, grammar and punctuation mistakes
Structured Writing Method for Bids eLearning lessons

The Structured Writing Method for Bids eLearning is either available as eLearning only, or as part of a blended delivery with classroom or virtual classroom courses.
Poor grammar and punctuation create the effect of an unprofessional organisation. This lesson clears up a number of common grammatical queries, and shows you the correct way to use punctuation marks such as colons, semi-colons and apostrophes.
What our clients say

‘The course made me aware of how easy it is to make mistakes.’

‘I will use the structuring every day.’

‘The Writing for bids course was spot on. People left the training with real skills and techniques that they could implement immediately, on a day-to-day basis. I’m very confident that our writers now have the foundation they need to produce clearer, punchier documents.’

‘Writing Machine’s Structured Writing Method has not only improved the way we write our reports, it has also changed the way we think as a business.’

‘I’m sure that the course will help me produce better quality, more engaging documents and challenge the status quo around content headings.’

‘The team has absorbed many valuable skills and techniques for creating and communicating clear and concise messages in their writing with greater confi dence. The interactive eLearning format is great. It lets each participant proceed at their own pace and the ability to re-visit course modules over weeks and months is a useful tool for reinforcing and refreshing the learning experience.’

“The training provided some great insights for the team who were inspired to put the learning straight into action.”

‘My writing will totally change.’

‘I have a clearer idea how to adapt sentences to ensure the messaging is clear.’

‘[The Structured Writing Method] will help me improve the way I structure my documents, which will also improve my efficiency and the time spent working on them.’

‘I thought I was OK at writing, I know now that I can improve a lot!’

‘I feel much more confident when starting to write now – I won’t dread it like I used to!’

‘It will make me question everything I write… Is it necessary? Is it clear?’

‘I feel more confi dent with my writing and starting with a blank page.’

‘I will think more about structure and headings to bring out key messages and themes.’

‘[I would recommend this course for]… new joiners.’

‘[I would recommend this course for …] ‘… anyone who writes.’

‘I think the course will help my communications to be clearer and more succinct.’

‘This course will improve my writing greatly and give me confidence in the future.’