Paul Admin

About Paul A

Paul has over 30 years’ experience developing world-class editorial solutions for B2B communications in many different private and public sectors, especially technology, professional services and engineering. He has extensive experience of positioning companies and corporate divisions, particularly in large global organisations. He is the founder of Writing Machine Agency, the UK’s first specialist editorial agency, and Writing Machine Academy, which has trained thousands of students in hundreds of companies in the use of the Structured Writing Method™ to produce much better documents, faster.

Create a perfect value proposition in 5 steps

2021-08-17T17:05:58+00:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Business writing, Featured, Marketing writing, Messaging, Opinion|

“A great value proposition can help you connect with more prospects and boost your commercial success, but writing this kind of document can be very challenging and time consuming if you don’t go about it the right way. To take the pain out of the entire process, try following [...]

Case study: Let the training come to you

2021-05-20T17:09:47+00:00May 20th, 2021|Categories: Bid writing, Featured, News, Opinion, Trade secrets of writing|

Writing Machine’s virtual blended classroom delivery model has proven itself to be a great way of upskilling geographically distributed bid teams efficiently, economically, and safely. Towards the end of 2019, bid team members from a leading global real estate services and investment firm attended a traditional [...]

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