
Create a perfect value proposition in 5 steps

2021-08-17T17:05:58+00:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Business writing, Featured, Marketing writing, Messaging, Opinion|

“A great value proposition can help you connect with more prospects and boost your commercial success, but writing this kind of document can be very challenging and time consuming if you don’t go about it the right way. To take the pain out of the entire process, try following [...]

Five surprising ways the Structured Writing Method can improve your business

2019-04-03T13:50:44+00:00April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Crafting, Featured, Messaging, Objective Setting, Structured Writing Method™, Structuring|Tags: , , , , |

By breaking down the intellectual processes needed to write effectively, the method can transform the way people think and work.

What is the Structured Writing Method?

2018-09-13T15:45:16+00:00August 23rd, 2018|Categories: Bid writing, Business writing, Crafting, Featured, Messaging, Objective Setting, Structured Writing Method™, Structuring, Writing for ...|Tags: , , , |

The Structured Writing Method™ is applicable to every business, and every business document. But what is it, and how does it work?

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